What to Expect the Second Year
From 12 to 24 Months
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The complete why, when, and how-to guide for parenting a one-year-old.
- When will my 13-month-old start to walk?
- Shouldn’t my 14-month-old be talking already?
- How can I get my picky eater to pick something besides pasta?
- Sure, I can ignore a tantrum at home—but what am I supposed to do...
The complete why, when, and how-to guide for parenting a one-year-old.
Read More
- When will my 13-month-old start to walk?
- Shouldn’t my 14-month-old be talking already?
- How can I get my picky eater to pick something besides pasta?
- Sure, I can ignore a tantrum at home—but what am I supposed to do in the middle of the mall?
- Why does my toddler have such a hard time sharing? Taking turns? Playing nicely?
- When should we break the bottle habit . . . and what about the pacifier?
- How do I get my almost-two-year-old to settle down for bed—and stay asleep all night?
Published By Workman Publishing Company
Format Paperback
Number Of Pages 540
Publication Date 04/15/2011
ISBN 9780761152774
Dimensions 5.9 inches x 9.05 inches
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