
Find Your People, Create Community, and Live a More Connected Life
by Radha Agrawal

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Get ready to focus on the single most important thing you can do to live a happy, healthy, and successful life: BELONG.

“Read this book, do what it says, and discover exactly where you fit in.”
—John Mackey, Co-founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market
“If you want to belong, read this...
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Published By Workman Publishing Company

Format Hardback


Number Of Pages 232

Publication Date 09/04/2018

ISBN 9781523502059

Dimensions 6.25 inches x 8.25 inches

If you want to belong, read this book.
Deepak Chopra, M.D.

From the moment I opened this book I was hooked. Radha is that friend whispering in your ear, assuring you that not only does she understand your feelings of loneliness and your wish to belong, she’ll also take you gently but firmly by the hand to act, to connect, to create purpose, and to build your community. This book is caring and tender, challenging and action-driven.  It is now on my recommendation list.
Esther Perel
Author, Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs,  host of Where Should We Begin podcast

Radha wrote a book that's fun to read, easy to digest, and embodies deep wisdom. This isn't just a book I'm endorsing. This is a book that I want to buy multiple copies of because I have so many friends and acquaintances that will benefit from it.  It’s the first time I couldn't wait to finish reading a book so that I could give my copy to one of my friends to read the same day. 
Tony Hsieh
CEO of Zappos. Author of Delivering Happiness

This year America’s happiness dropped as healthcare costs continue to soar.  Radha has a solution for both. Her engaging, high-energy approach to connecting people, helping them provide purpose, and finding their community is an antidote more powerful than any pharmaceutical.   Belong combines engaging story-telling, solid research, and an easy prescription for finding your tribe and harnessing its incredible healing powers.  Read it and live longer, better!
Dan Buettner
National Geographic fellow and multiple New York Times Bestselling author of the Blue Zones books

Belong answers two of the most important questions of our time regarding loneliness, depression, and the disintegration of family and community. How do we belong to ourselves?  And how do we create and belong to extraordinary communities that support and uplift us?  Radha Agrawal provides a clear and honest roadmap for teaching us how to create inner and outer belonging, which in the end is all that truly matters in life. 
Mark Hyman, MD
Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?
 Few people know how to live life with such authentic expression as Radha does. In this book she shows us, in a clear and fun way, how and why this way of life can lead us all to the very thing we as humans desire the most: to belong.
Alexander Ljung
Founder Chairman, SoundCloud
Radha Agrawal is at the center of building one of the most important movements in America: the creation of deep community among a population of increasingly disconnected citizens. Belong takes the powerful lessons she’s learned through her remarkable entrepreneurial journey and creates an essential guidebook for anyone who wants to create or be part of a thriving community among any group or around any cause.
Ben Rattray  
Founder CEO

Radha was born to write this book. She has spent the last decade maniacally focused on figuring out the blueprint for community building and this book cracks the code. Her illustrations make the book approachable and fun to read. I am so unbelievably proud of her achievement.  It will help everyone find their tribes. 
Miki Agrawal 
Founder of Tushy, Thinx, Wild. Author of Disrupt-her and Do Cool Sh*t 

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