Animals Reviewed

Starred Ratings of Our Feathered, Finned, and Furry Friends
by Association of Zoos and Aquariums

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Zoos and aquariums have poked wild fun at their animal friends—and their “product reviews” will leave your pack howling! Packed with adorable animal photos and laced with wit and humor, Animals Reviewed is a must-read for animal lovers of all ages. All proceeds benefit the...

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Published By Timber Press

Format Paperback


Number Of Pages 180

Publication Date 10/29/2019

ISBN 9781604699609

Dimensions 7.12 inches x 6.25 inches

“A delightful, tongue-in-cheek collection of species ratings.” —The Columbian

“The ratings are humorous, they’re also educational – even if they poke fun at some of the animals’ personality quirks.” —Racine County Eye


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